Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 28

My raw journey has empowered me in more ways that I thought possible. I have come to really understand that happiness is not the end-all be-all. And that I desire to eat raw when cooked foods are not taboo.

Today I ran 8 miles...on accident. I had a new route planned out, one that I had never even ran. But it was longer than I anticipated. It was so gorgeous today, and I was running through a neighborhood of $5 million dollar homes on the water. Nobody to bother me, wide streets, no traffic, great views, and a different perspective on my life. I'm so lucky to live the life that I have!

I bought some new running gear, so that's always a motivator. :)

This morning I also bought a new bike!! The biggest purchase I've made in my life! But the best! I ended up ordered the Fuji Finest 1.0 from the bike shop in my neighborhood. I test rode the Roubaix 3.0, which was a men's bike, but after I tried the women's specific, I just loved the way it handled and fit me better. However, I didn't love the Fuji Finest 3.0 because it was....purples. Bleh. But when they showed me the 1.0, I fell in love! It's two steps better and has a carbon fiber fork and Tiagra shifters, so it's made to potentially be a racing bike. I also left with a helmet and padded bike shorts, and when I came home, I ordered two jerseys and a pair of gloves on Ebay. And DANG! Bike gear is expensive! But whatever! Because I have the money and there are worse things I could be spending my time and money alcohol and stupid shit that makes me fat and lazy. I don't think I would have gotten into cycling if I didn't go raw and inspire myself to get active. It's something I have wanted to do for a long, long time because I do love riding.

Today was a really awesome day! Woke up naturally around 7:30...went to the store and Target to exchange some things, get some things I need and presents for my brother and sister. On Wednesday, I have a flight to Baltimore for my little brother's graduation from the Naval Academy. I remember sending him off on I-Day four years ago...I know it hasn't been easy but I am SO proud of him, I wouldn't miss it for the world. And then he moves to Pensacola to be a pilot! We are going to plan some rides together.

My goal this weekend is to eat all the watermelon. Ha, what an awful goal! Just had a huge fruit smoothie, now I'm gonna lay down, I'm pooped, read my vampire love story book and chill out.  What a perfect day. :)

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Sunshine dress!

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Love this ball of fur :)

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She's smiling....

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My NEW toy!!! 
2012 Fuji Finest 1.0

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New running shorts

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Things are shaping up back there, lol


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