Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 12

I'm feeling really, really good today! I did go to bed about 11, but I woke up at 5 AM naturally, though I didn't get up until 6:20 when I again woke naturally. No alarm needed. When I wake up twice before my alarm, that's usually a pretty strong indication to wake up. Last night I spoke with Chris Kendall on Skype for over an hour. He's very knowledgeable, passionate and so full of heart about 80/10/10. He is definitely inspiring and someone I want on my side of the table.

Things I walked away with: I need to incorporate more tropical fruits into my diet. Who am I kidding, this can't be hard, I live in Florida! For some reason, I shy away from them. But I need to make it a priority. Another, don't force feed. I have admittedly been chocking down my salads at lunch because I feel like I need them. Not enjoying your food is never a good thing. And while I don't NOT like them, I don't particularly find much joy in eating them. When I was eating out so often, I began to crave salads like crazy and when I finally ate one, I enjoyed it immensely. Chris told me he eats greens maybe once a month. I need to eat what I enjoy. If I could eat one food daily, it would be pineapple. But how to do when pineapples are $4.99 each? I haven't figured this out yet.

I'm also going to start making more soups and stews! That's an easier way to consumer calories without the head ache of chewing until your mouth hurts. That being said, I decided to make a dressing for my salad today. I am going to ease off buying salad though, and just stick to juicing and fruits, if I can afford it!!

Mango Dressing:
two mangos, peeled
handful of cherry tomatos
blend until smooth

I am taking this in a separate container and will add to my salad when I eat it. I need to hit up the grocery store on the way home from work. In other news, my clothes are feeling a LOT looser. I was wearing a shirt and shorts that used to be very tight on me to bed. It was actually becoming loose. I'd like a whole day of doing nothing, organize my paper pile and putz around. Friday night and all day Saturday should be a go for that. Today after work I still am craving a long run, I can run 5 miles no problem, I love feeling the sun pounding down on me and I beat the pavement. Yes, I do believe I will go running again today.

Things are flowing along!

Anticipated MENU today:
2 apples
4 bananas
HUGE salad with mango/tomato dressing
1 lb strawberries
more juice
cacao banana smoothie
banana berry smoothie

If anything changes, I will adjust accordingly. Pants today are not feeling tight and my stomach feels a lot tighter. I haven't had any cravings besides what I mentioned yesterday, and I haven't really allowed those thoughts to creep in. I'm too motivated, too focused. I can't ruin all I've worked for and I'm excited to see how I good I feel, can it get any better??? I think so!

UPDATE: Holy smokes it was muggy today! And with 85 degree temps, that made it feel like 90. The heat doesn't bother me at all. In fact I thrive in it, but today I had to convince myself to go running because I felt physically tired. I admittedly was hungry all day and getting irritable by the time I was driving home. I was craving a Tijuana Flats burrito. But I hung on and, of course I felt better after I did. Running has become less of a chore and more of a therapeutic activity. Every run is easier and more enjoyable. Today, I literally did not feel the urge to stop once. This is a vast improvement from not even a month ago. I remember when I used to struggle tremendously with running because I would get horrible stomach cramps and that made it painful. I haven't had to deal with that in a while now, and today I felt very strong and lean!! I just feel my legs carrying me along like I am riding in a car. I sweated a LOT today, but I ran my 4.4 mile loop with ease. When its easy, its fun. I definitely enjoy my runs. I got cacao powder in the mail today and made a really yummy shake. I could barely scarf down my salad today, even with the mango dressing. Bleh. I am going to ease off the greens. I need to go shopping, but I just didn't feel like doing that today. Tomorrow I might just drink juice and eat bananas all day instead until I go shopping. Going shopping is the last thing I feel like doing at the end of the day. Now time to shower up, maybe eat, snuggle with kitty and read my book.

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Mango dressing on salad...reminiscent of pudding

Rando side note: I don't think I will EVER drink or smoke again. I see that as a huge weakness and I really grow more disdain for people who do the deeper I get into raw. Drinking does nothing to promote health and I really just look down on people who do. Oh, and fat people! I see them in the park all the time and run really fast by them, I think to make them feel even fatter. That may seem horrible, but I am actually working hard to be in shape and they are doing nothing to make the world a better place or make themselves stronger. It really disgusts me. MRV says I shouldn't fill my thoughts hating people and I'm trying not to. :-/

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