Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 17

Where does time go...tell me?! I've learned a lot about myself these past 17 days. I have not been raw the past 5 days. I can't really say that I have been feeling terrible, but I feel as if I wasn't raw for those 13 days before that. I also hate keep track of my daily activities such as eating. I convince myself that I need to have rigid structure in my life or everything will go to shit. Well, I am pretty sure it won't if I let loose. 

I ate raw all morning and afternoon. No yucky salad, instead glorious watermelon and strawberries. I could eat that ALL DAY LONG. I am really starting to love my job. It's so exactly what I enjoy doing! I am independent and get to work alone, take breaks whenever I feel like it, and I don't have a lot of pressure from above. I look forward to going to work. But I also look forward to coming home! 

I thought about running after work....until I thought about getting sushi instead and that won out. The sushi I get is really fabulous and completely vegan. Not raw. But low in fat. Wanna hear something crazy? I just registered for a series of 4 half marathons this fall/winter! They are races that I have ran before and volunteered with before, but I've never done all 4 races in the series. That's 2 complete marathons people!! I'd been wanting to do if forever, and I just decided to commit last night. As long as I don't turn into a fat lazy slob, I'll be fine. And my goal is to finish under 2:00. My last time was 2:25...not great. I ran my 10k at a 9.30 minute if I can keep that up, I'll be just slightly over 2:00 at 2:03, and I KNOW I can beat that!! The first marathon is October 28, which will be fun! I don't celebrate any holidays, but I think I will still wear some crazy neon spandex or something for kicks. I will for sure be eating raw 100% a few weeks before, and the next race is December 9, which is great so I don't lose my motivation over the holidays, just being surrounded by it all. I love having goals and something to look forward to. Once something ends, I must start something NEW!

Sushi was good, but I am ready to eat raw again tomorrow. I have a pineapple, strawberries and lots and lots of good old rainbow juice to fill my belly!

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Yummy rainbow juice! This will last me one day.

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So tired right now, time for bed. It can only get better!



  1. Congrats on all your half marathons! I'm about to start training for a full marathon. I don't have one "picked out" yet, but its been a goal since I ran my first and only half marathon a couple years ago. ;) Also, what is in your juice?! I have been wanting to juice but I don't have any ideas.

  2. Hi Becca, that's so awesome!! I don't think I would ever do a full marathon really killed me and I lost both my big toenails, ew! I've got my eyes on the Gold Coast Marathon/Half since I've always wanted to visit Australia and for what a great reason! Do one that is crazy! When I make my juice, I use apples, carrots and celery because it's good and those are all inexpensive to obtain. :)
