Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 6

I feel that up until this point in my life I have been living a lie. I have been living a life heavily influenced by others. And I always wanted to please everyone around me and not upset anyone. Well, those times are gone! Ever since moving to my city of St. Petersburg, I have let the excitement of my new life distract me and lead me astray. I have finally made it on my own, being self-sufficient financially was all I ever wanted. Now I have a great job that I love, a city that I love, an apartment that I adore and all the friends I could ask for. For a few months straight, I spent a lot of time downtown, drinking at the bars, socializing, partying, eating out at all these restaurants that I thought were great. But deep down inside, I felt like I was get caught up in a lifestyle that didn't truly reflect who I was. I never even liked the taste of alcohol, and I hated waking up hungover and feeling like I was wasting my life. All the food I was eating was so processed and made me feel like shit. I just couldn't go on. I was content, but I wasn't truly happy.

And then something wonderful happened! Something inside of me snapped. And I knew change was eminent right then, right there. No turning back. I think it was an article about raw food in a hippie local magazine. On the cover, a pile of raw vegetables and a very fit man. The title read, "Raw Food Does a Body Good!" Inside, the man talked about being a bodybuilder but never feeling right about taking supplements and extra protein. He talked about how the effects of raw don't even start to take effect until AT LEAST a couple months. That made me realize I'd never really given raw food a fair chance. I wanted to feel as good as he talked about. And now I want to feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life. I am well on my way, now it's day 6. This is making me excited for day 30, 90, 300 and beyond!!

Okay, so that brings me to my run. Today was awesome, fantastic. I felt hungry all day at work though, I will need to increase my snacking abilities. Heh. Anywho, had to run errands after work, which I dislike. Too much traffic. But today was productive and I got everything done. Good feeling. I knew I wanted to stretch myself today with my run, I did the 4.5 mile run and I was feeling a little tired at the end, but by no means was I killing myself. I am running a 10k on May 6 so I've got reason to be motivated. Needlessto say, I'm not worried about it. :) I just feel so good when I'm running. All my thoughts are freeflowing, nothing is clouding my mind, my legs and breathing are in sync and I just zone out. Best feeling ever. I admit I have not always loved running. But when the weather is good, the scenery is beautiful and I feel light because I've eaten raw, everything comes together like magic and I can't get enough. I just wish other people could feel as good as I feel. I one million percent believe that food and diet are related to any and every ailment and pain we may come across. To my core. And I am living my beliefs RIGHT NOW!! I'm so estatic! I truly haven't felt this blissfully happy in a LONG time.

Now as for how I am feeling with my body, I do feel like I am tightening up around my middle. My legs have always been muscular and powerful and now they are even more so. I am starting to feel my hip bones more, but I've still got a major pooch. I just get so excited though, thinking about how I will look after a year of this when this has only been one week!!!

I would like to take the time to address snacking and meals to be eaten in social situations, which I believe is key to enjoying life as a LFRV.

First, snacking is paramount. I have learned to be prepared no matter what. Apples have seriously been my lifesaver. They can sit around all day, and I can snack on them like I would candy. They can really keep you going. That is the same for bananas, but they are less convenient in my opinion.

Second, I need to come up with creative and tasty meals that I can transport. I know my taco recipe would be fantastic for this. Pack up the salsa and avocado, and the butter leaves and you have yourself a meal to go. This can be taken to my mom's house for dinner (she might even want to partake and try them!) or to a friends house. This way you aren't left out of social situations that involve food. I know this can be a sore spot, especially since until now, my life revolved around eating out up to twice a day. I'm glad I don't do that anymore, but I am bracing for the predicament I will come upon when I am invited to dinner with friends. I need to come up with more ideas like this.

I also need to work on finding joy and creating habits that don't involve mindless eating. To find abundant and unwavering joy in the raw foods. To savor each bite and eat slowly. I will admit though, one of the reasons I love eating raw is because I get to eat A LOT. And I definitely like to eat. Hehe. And eating lots of good stuff, what could be better??? I can't think of anything.

On the menu for today:
Apples x3
Bananas x3
Loads of fresh juice
Finished off my salad from yesterday...I added fresh greens
Huuuuuuge chocolate milkshake. I froze a bunch of bananas last night, so I don't even know how many I ate tonight.

Also started reading again, a book that's been sitting on my shelf for a long while. This makes me feel good. Some rando pictures for yas!

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
Lots and lots o' bananas, I need more!!

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App


IMG_20120425_203729, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App 
The dreaded aftermath, dun dun dun.....


PS. Made a new raw friend, Chris Kendall over at The Raw Advantage. We are meeting up on Skype on May 1st to talk about being cool. I mean raw. I'm so excited to make a raw friend, even if just over the internet!

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