This recipe changed my life!!
I will normally make this a meal for me.
3-4 frozen bananas
Handful of frozen berries
try raw cacao powder for a creamy chocolate creation!
Blend until creamy. Or add thawed berries to top. (NOTE: It helps to have a powerful blender. I've broke many blenders before I finally bought a VitaMix. Best decision I ever made, it is SO worth every penny!)
Another variation: raspberry sorbet
Tomato Corn Soup
Two large tomatos
Handful of raw sunflower seeds or cashews
Raw corn off the cob
Blend until creamy. Add corn on top for garnish.
Banana Chocolate Milkshake
I just made this tonight for the first time. I was craving something chocolate. This fit the bill!
4-5 frozen bananas
raw cacao power (I used vegan carob power because I didn't have cacao, but I will need to get that.)
Blend in Vitamix until smooth. This is sooo yummy! The more cacao powder the better it is!
Raw Tacos
I was craving a little fat. These tacos fit the bill!
I made a quick and easy salsa.
1 pint of grape tomatos, diced
1/4 sweet onion
1 corn on the cob
Combine! Scoop into the butter leaves to create tacos. I also made guacamole to add on top. Delish! Best meal made so far. I think I ate about 12 of them. I'm now stuffed. :)