I spent most of the day feeling chubby, not sure why. Maybe my pants were too tight. Maybe I just hate sitting at a desk all day. Once I got home though, I went for a run and immediately felt better. I pushed myself, which I haven't felt like doing in awhile. The last couple of days have been cold. It finally warmed up today and I think that influenced me. I would like to make a supplemental running log to go along with this to document my process, since that will go hand in hand with my success eating raw.
Thus far, I really have begun to reflect on my motivations for doing this. On the surface, its all superficial. I want to feel good and I want to look good. But on a deeper level that I don't always acknowledge because it's painful for me, everything I do is to make sure that MY life doesn't EVER contribute to the suffering of animals. That is all it has ever truly been about, and that's all it will EVER be about. I know it goes on, but occasionally when I reminded of the horrors that animals go through to end up as a nasty hamburger on your plate that you don't even eat all of, THAT is what motivates me to do this. It shakes me to my core and it brings to the surface and anger and anguish inside of me that will never go away. It's there, but I can't deal with it every day. Because I can't connect with anyone else on this level aside from two or three people. And who really likes to talk about that stuff anyways?
All I know is that I am leading a different life because I care to educate myself and make a stand against something I believe in. Not many people can say that.
Today's menu:
Juice again for breakfast. I stuffed myself to the brim with this.
Apples x2
Half my salad at work (I will eat the other half tomorrow)
1 pound strawberries
1 raw nut bar...I needed something grab on my way out the door
6 banana chocolate milkshake
And I think I'm gonna call it quites after that. It's only 7 PM but I'm going to make it last. I'm running dangerously low on frozen bananas. I've got a bunch that I need to freeze but I'm freaking out!
This week is "Employee Appreciation Day" at work. Today was a huge BBQ event, full of every unhealthy food in the book. I mean, I think they may be trying to kill us. They shove all this crap down everyone's throats, but they all love it I guess. Can you imagine sitting in a cube all day, smoking all day, drinking coffee all day and topping that off with hamburgers, hotdogs, sausages, brownies, chips, soda pop and ice cream??? No wonder everyone is obese and disgusting here. I am really put off by all of that. Why would anyone choose to be that ignorant? I quietly took my lunch out of the fridge and snuck off to eat my salad and strawberries. At one point in my life I may have cared, but now I just think people are ignorant and stupid and I wouldn't give a crap what anyone thought about me because I know at the end of the day, I'm healthier, I live a better quality of life and I give a damn about my beliefs.
Sometimes I feel like I spend my whole live constantly moving, never stopping. I find peace in routine and consistency, but then I stop for a moment, and I also think how nice it is to just be still for a moment with my thoughts. I think that is also on the menu for tonight. :)
Sorry no pics, but it was all the same anyways.
PS. After an initial taste analysis between carob and cacao powder, I have deduced that cacao is much more chocolately and less bitter. I initially bought carob because I wasn't sure the cacao I had was raw. After a bit of research, I found out that Nativas Naturals Cacao Powder is indeed raw, so I couldn't refrain myself from buying 2lbs of it from Amazon. I think that should last me a good many milkshakes. Life is good. :)